Palmer's Meadow
Watton Park, Bridport

Palmers Meadow is a stunning collection of two, three – and four – bedroom luxury homes, an exciting new development in Bridport, which will comprise 33 stunning new homes.
The site benefits from a fantastic location, just two miles from West Bay and close to local shops and amenities.
Click on the photos to enlarge:

New Homes
N&G Groundworks Ltd package includes all infrastructure works to serve the 33 homes, comprising of reduce level excavations and disposal of excavated material off site. Construction of foundations, sub – structure brick and blockwork, waterproofing, RC in – situ retaining walls, beam and block flooring and external finishes.
Installation of adopted sewers and private drainage. Along with the installation of attenuation tanks and permeable driveways to form part of the developments Sustainable urban drainage system.
Due to the characteristics of the sloping site N&G have also constructed a wet well pumping station to serve the whole development. This involved us undertaking the following: civils, co – ordination, testing and attendance for a foul pumping main.
N&G Groundworks Ltd are proud to be associated with Baker Estates, in achieving the following award. For Pride in The Job Quality Award 2021. A great recognition of the site ethos and collaboration to achieve high standards instilled by the site manager Tristan Watts.